Research Operations Committee
The Research Operations committee consists of the Toronto Dementia Research Alliance (TDRA) Coordinating Centre and a representative from each of the TDRA Research Working Groups (RWGs). The ROC functions to:
- Coordinate, review, and evaluate projects generated by the TDRA Research Working Groups (RWG) or from external groups for TDRA involvement based on alignment with mission and vision and feasibility
- Support and integrate research ideas emerging from the RWGs
- Lead work focused on standardizing and integrating research into clinical dementia care
- Bridge basic science and clinical research
- Train in dementia research and innovation
- Act as a Grants and Publications Committee, where appropriate
Research Working Groups
TDRA Research Working Groups (RWGs) are scientific focus-specific sub-groups of the ROC that promote collaboration that advances work aligning with the themes of standardization of dementia care and dementia prevention. The RWG membership includes researchers from across TDRA partner sites with a common interest, and a member of the TDRA Lived Experience Advisory Partners (LEAP) Council. The RWGs generate high-level proposals, and work with the ROC and the Coordinating Centre to secure funding.
Currently the TDRA RWGs include: