Participate in a Research Study

Interested in taking part in dementia research, but do not know where to start? Explore opportunities to learn about and participate in studies led by Toronto Dementia Research Alliance (TDRA) scientists. 

These studies are initiated and led by TDRA scientists

These studies are funded by industry organizations (e.g., pharmaceutical companies), who collaborate with TDRA scientists to conduct research

Stay up-to-date on the latest dementia research & learn about dementia studies that you can participate in across Toronto

Investigator-Initiated vs. Industry-Sponsored Research Studies

Watch a plain language overview of key similarities and differences between investigator-initiated and industry-sponsored studies. 


All studies listed on the TDRA website have been approved by a Research Ethics Board (REB). REBs are independent committees established by institutions like hospitals, universities, or research centres. They are made up of medical and non-medical members, and they act on behalf of institutions to review the ethical acceptability of research involving human subjects. The purpose of an REB is to ensure that patient safety is the main priority of a research project.

Any research project that involves humans must be reviewed by an REB before it starts, and then annually thereafter. In Canada, an REB reviews a research project based on something called the ‘Tri-Council Policy Statement’, which is a joint statement produced by Canada’s three federal research agencies. An REB will assess a project according to core research ethics principles outlined in the statement, including respect for persons, concern for welfare, and justice.