Dr. Tarek K. Rajji Highlights New Study on Agitation in CTV's "Your Morning" Feature
Oct 5, 2023
Dr. Tarek K. Rajji Highlights New Study on Agitation in CTV's "Your Morning" Feature
Dr. Tarek K. Rajji, Executive Director of the TDRA was featured on CTV’s Your Morning Show, on October 4th,2023. Dr. Rajji was asked about a common and under-reported symptom of Alzheimer Dementia, agitation. He explained that agitation can manifest in people living with dementia in many ways, such as wandering, verbal agitation, and extreme mood swings. Agitation represents a big challenge for people living with dementia and their caregivers.
Dr. Rajji is the Centre of Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH) lead of a new study focused on agitation in Alzheimer Dementia, called The Escitalopram for Agitation in Alzheimer’s Disease (S-CitAD). S-CitAD is funded by the National Institute of Aging (NIH) in the US; the study is being run out of John Hopkins University School of Medicine, with TDRA sites including CAMH, Ontario Shores for Mental Health Science, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, and Unity Health (St. Michael’s Hospital).